Thursday 19 May 2016

10 Celebrity faces of bipolar

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones checked herself into a mental-health facility in 2011 to treat her bipolar II disorder, which has longer periods of depression and shorter, milder manic episodes than bipolar I.

Zeta-Jones told People magazine that she decided to go public because it might help others to step forward and get treatment.

"There is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help," she said.

Demi Lovato
It wasn’t until she entered a treatment center for her struggles with anorexia, bulimia, and cutting that teen pop star Demi Lovato found out she had bipolar disorder.

"Looking back it makes sense," she told People of her diagnosis. "There were times when I was so manic, I was writing seven songs in one night and I'd be up until 5:30 in the morning." 

Kurt Cobain
The grunge rocker took his own life at age 27 despite the success of his Seattle–based band, Nirvana. Noting that one of the band’s songs is titled “Lithium,” which is also a mood stabilizer used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, Time magazine included him in a 2002 list of “manic geniuses” who made great contributions to music, art, or literature and who may have had bipolar disorder.

Carrie Fisher
Actress Fisher, 54, best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars trilogy, has experienced plenty of turbulence in her life—and not just aboard the Millennium Falcon. After years of struggling with mania and depression, Fisher was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was 28.

Jean-Claude Van Damme.
was formally diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder and placed on sodium valproate, which he calls "that simple salt." E! Online quoted him as saying, "You just have to take a little salt, and since I'm doing that it's, like, BOOM! In one week, I felt it kick in. All the commotion around me, all the water around me, moving left and right around me, became like a lake."

 Russell Brand

 has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder.  He also suffered from bulimia and experienced a period of self-harming.  Brand has described the concept of fame "like ashes" in his mouth.

Chris Brown
The letter from the rehab facility states, "Mr. Brown will also require close supervision by his treating physician in order to ensure his bipolar mental health condition remains stable. It is not uncommon for patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Bipolar II to use substances to self-medicate their biomedical mood swings and trauma triggers."

Winston Church Hill
The twice-over Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who achieved victory during World War II was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in middle age. Winston Churchill often referred openly to his depression, calling it his “black dog.” He was known for making the best of his situation and often capitalized on episodes of sleeplessness by directing his energy into his work. He published 43 books during his time as prime minister. He went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953. 

Mel Gibson

In 2012, the actor was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after dealing with a custody battle involving ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva

Macy Grey
The 'I Try' singer has dealt with bipolar disorder for many years. She's also a strong advocate for bipolar cure research.
All of these celebs  have gone on to achieve a fulfilling and inspiring life despite their ups and downs.... Many of which the media have had no shame to make public.  Being bipolar is not a disability... It is an ABILITY! We are creative, we are fun, we are filled with love and it is often the things closest to our hearts, things that mean the most ot us that cause our break downs because we over think and care so much. Is that really so bad? 
It's upto us to use our bipolar to colour the world with our creativity and fill the world with the love we hold. SURE.... there will be dark day, days you want to be alone, days you want to stay in bed.... BUT THEN..... We recharge and are ready to paint he world again. How will you use your bipolar to colour the world?  

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